Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tears of the nature

In this post, I would like to talk about a picture which was taken via powerful macro lens. A friend of mine sent me an email yesterday including other pictures like this one. I would like to share with you a few words from that email...

“If you look carefully you can notice these beautiful tears of the nature in leaves and flowers before they fall down the plants or get vaporized in the heat sun-rays. These pretty brilliant macro photos of water drops were taken from plants just after rain.”

They are actually tears of nature tears of happiness. As mentioned in the email a photographer named Dinesh Vora has taken this picture. I tried to find out more about this photographer but I failed to do so.

Firstly, when talking about this picture, it is clear that there are rain drops on a spider web. Others may say that this picture is not real and it has been designed by some graphic software, but the truth is, it is real. As I mentioned before, this picture was taken via powerful macro lens which is quite important when taking photographs, because it is hard to see from our eye.

Secondly, the photographer has done a great job to get the subject (rain drops) clear to the viewers. They are all in focus, not just the raindrops but also the little spider web. Colours of the picture are awesome. It mainly contains the colour brown and a bit of green on the bottom right corner of the image which makes the picture more unique. When you look at the reflection of the rain drops, it simulates the objects around the background, it could maybe be a leaf, well, you might have a different idea.

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