Monday, April 11, 2011


This particular image holds a special place among my favorites. It also originates from the winter season, a time when I happened upon this diminutive plant while wandering the university premises with my camera in hand. The day's mission was to capture the intricate details of close-up subjects.

This snapshot emerged as I observed the scene; my intent was to seize a specific portion of the plant. To accomplish this, I snapped numerous shots, each carefully composed to emphasize the desired section. Employing a deliberate approach, my focus was directed towards a substantial portion of the plant. To achieve this, I opted for a small aperture and a higher ISO setting, likely around ISO 600. This strategy did introduce a degree of noise into the image, discernible upon closer inspection.

Necessitating a touch of post-processing, Photoshop entered the picture to facilitate the incorporation of my signature and harmonize the colors. Original hues appeared muted due to suboptimal lighting conditions, casting a somber tone upon the image. Had I been equipped with a more suitable lens, such as a Macro Lens, instead of my 200mm lens, I might have achieved a brighter rendition of the scene.

Nonetheless, the employment of Photoshop successfully brought about color adjustments, resulting in the image's current polished appearance. My primary reservation was the presence of noise, yet I find satisfaction in having captured a commendable image, especially considering my status as a beginner navigating the world of DSLR photography.

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