Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gihan De Silva

Gihan De Silva, a great and well known photographer in both Sri Lanka and USA. He is one of my favourite photographers and most of the time, I follow his techniques. Normally, I like all of the pictures taken by Gihan De Silva, but the picture above is what I like most because it has a special look.

As the main object of the picture the photographer has taken a female model. When we look at this image, our eyes focus on the main object therefore the eye catching object is the model. The whole image is in focus so the photographer probably took this image with small aperture. The balance of the image is fine. The head room has a fair amount of space between the models head and the top corner of the image. The model is looking directly at the camera therefore no need to consider about the looking space. It seems like the photographer has done some editing as well because the colours in the picture are not real but his editing has given a special look to the image.

Both warm and cool colours can be seen in the image but the whole image itself gives a cool colour effect because the model is wearing a black colour dress and as you can see, in the image the main colours are brown, orange and blue. They are all in the calm and cool colour category.

The image could be completely different if the model wore a different colour dress instead of black. Image background is a bit blurred which helps to focus on the model even better, but in terms of details, background is clear. This means viewers can easily identify what’s in the background.

However, Gihan De Silva has proved his talent once again by taking this picture. I look forward to bringing and discussing more of Gihan De Silva’s Photographs in my blog in the future.

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