Monday, April 11, 2011


I trust that my previous posts have imparted valuable insights, and I'm optimistic that this post will further enrich your understanding.

Currently adorning my computer screen as wallpaper, this image has claimed its place as a favored backdrop. Captured amid the wintry season, it shares its origin with the preceding images I've shared. The challenging weather conditions during its capture contributed to suboptimal lighting. Armed with my trusty Canon 7D and the familiar 200mm lens, I initially set out to immortalize a petite flower. However, serendipity intervened when my discerning eyes uncovered another hidden gem. A minuscule marvel, it remains elusive to casual observers, revealing its allure only to those who focus intently.

Fortune smiled upon me that day, allowing me to set my camera's parameters and opt for a relatively wide aperture. The inclement weather discouraged a high ISO setting, preserving the image's purity by eschewing background noise. While the diminutive subject was my central focus, my intention was to retain a confined focal range—a choice that finds its strength in employing a generous aperture. This strategy was pivotal, affording me precision when concentrating on minute details.

As with my prior images, I harnessed the capabilities of Photoshop to fine-tune this visual creation. However, this time, I adopted a novel approach, modifying the color theme to impart a cool, refreshing effect. The initial warm hues of the unedited picture underwent transformation, aligning with my artistic vision.

The appellation bestowed upon this image is "Dandy," a moniker that encapsulates its essence succinctly and evocatively. This title, I believe, aptly captures the essence of the scene, offering an apt definition for this captivating composition.

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