Monday, April 11, 2011

I am not alone

Moving forward, I intend to present my own creations, anticipating that you will derive value from my endeavors.

The image depicted above was captured a few months ago using my Canon 7D. Once again, the setting was during winter, characterized by challenging lighting conditions. This juncture marked my early days of acquainting myself with the camera, prompting me to engage in experimental ventures.

During one of these forays, I chanced upon a diminutive plant bearing resemblance to a flower, prompting my swift capture. I embarked on an exploration, snapping multiple shots under varying camera settings. Upon returning home, I meticulously reviewed each photograph, discerning this particular frame as the standout choice.

Recollections recall settings of ISO 100, aperture set at 4.2, a shutter speed of 1/20, all coupled with the unconventional use of a 200mm lens, a departure from its customary applications.

As a fervent adherent of Photoshop, I traditionally engaged in extensive post-processing. However, the acquisition of the Canon 7D ushered in a shift in approach. I realized that judicious management of camera settings could obviate the need for extensive Photoshop intervention.

In this instance, Photoshop made a brief appearance, primarily to affix my name to the image and to harmonize the color balance. Given the image's origin during a winter with its subdued lighting, achieving true-to-life colors proved challenging. Photoshop's intervention was indispensable in restoring balance to the hues.

The title bestowed upon this image is "I am not alone," a reflection of the scene's narrative. While there was another flower present during the shoot, my intention was to focus on the foreground bloom while retaining the peripheral presence within the frame.

In culmination, I hold this creation in high regard, confident that you will derive enjoyment from it.

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