Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new power code

The image depicted above was crafted with a specific purpose: to serve as the product cover for my brother's latest creation. Being a businessman, he had recently unveiled a new power cord and entrusted me with the task of designing its cover. This undertaking posed a formidable challenge due to the tight timeframe of just two days, as the product was slated for imminent release into the market.

My approach began with meticulously acquiring precise measurements and gathering essential details required for the design. I procured the official logo emblematic of our products and, armed with these essentials, set out to accomplish the task using the capabilities of Photoshop.

The subsequent phase involved procuring pertinent images associated with the logo, adeptly excising their backgrounds and storing them in the PNG file format. The choice of PNG was paramount in preserving the images devoid of any background interference—a crucial consideration in the realm of design.

With all the requisite resources at hand, I embarked on translating my nascent design concept into a tangible creation through a meticulously structured step-by-step approach. As the design took form, it closely aligned with my initial vision. Nonetheless, upon my brother's scrutiny, he proposed a few minor adjustments that would further refine the design. These tweaks were promptly executed, leading to his satisfaction with the outcome.

The culmination of these efforts saw my brother's product successfully launched into the market, commencing its journey of sales and distribution. I find immense pride in having contributed to his endeavor by leveraging my creative talents to craft the design. It's gratifying to realize that countless individuals will bear witness to the product of my artistic endeavor.

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