Monday, April 11, 2011

My Media Product

Presenting my media creation for the university module "Visual Communication." As a dedicated media student, the demands of my coursework within the Visual Communication module necessitated the conception and execution of a unique media production. With a preference for video content, I initially contemplated a short film, yet my path eventually diverged, leading me towards crafting a compact documentary video. This resulting production revolves around a student's experiences at Bradford.

Commencing this endeavor, I embarked without a definitive blueprint. To shape my approach, I engaged in comprehensive research on documentaries, immersing myself in a variety of videos for inspiration. Armed with newfound ideas, I commenced by crafting a script and visually charting my plan on paper. As plans solidified, a missing piece remained—the student protagonist. Collaborating with friends, I promptly found a willing participant whose eagerness matched my vision.

While equipped with a script and visual direction, I still required tailored dialogue from the student. Swiftly, I devised a concise script, engaging her involvement in refining it with my guidance. The collaborative effort not only facilitated her clarity but also accentuated her significant contribution to my project.

The filming phase unfolded with my trusty Canon 7D in hand, capturing every frame of the video. A sequential approach commenced by filming the student's narrative segments. Subsequently, I captured supplementary footage that would seamlessly complement her narrative during editing. The journey was not without challenges—certain university spaces were restricted from filming. Yet, I adeptly navigated these limitations, ensuring the core content was successfully captured within a week.

Concluding the filming, the editing phase beckoned. Fortuitously, the abundance of carefully acquired footage eased the process, despite the minor hurdle of sourcing fitting background music—a challenge eventually surmounted by my tenacity.

Yet, I am compelled to delve further into the heart of my media project. Tasked with documenting my journey in an accompanying essay, I eagerly anticipate sharing the depth of this endeavor on my blog in the near future.

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