Sunday, April 10, 2011

My 2nd Mother

As most of you are aware, I hail from the beautiful land of Sri Lanka. A quick perusal of my blog reveals a consistent theme—many of the visuals I've shared are intimately tied to my homeland. It's impossible to discuss my country without acknowledging the pivotal role played by my alma mater, a place that has been instrumental in shaping my journey. Within these lines, I delve into the significance of my college crest.

Named Royal College, my alma mater holds a revered place in the hearts of Sri Lankans. The image above features the official crest of Royal College. A golden hue forms the elegant outline. The centerpiece of the crest portrays an elephant alongside a towering coconut tree. The elephant embodies strength, while the coconut tree pays homage to the endemic nature of our nation's flora. Coconut trees hold immense cultural significance, as every part of the tree finds utility in Sri Lankan daily life. An elliptical shield encases the motto "Disce Aut Discede," circling the edge, signifying "Learn or Depart." This shield is crowned by the word "Floreat," which is adorned with a regal Crown. Laurel wreaths flanking the shield symbolize prosperity.

Originating in 1922, the crest carries a heritage that spans decades. Its distinctive oval shape is harmoniously balanced, facilitating the placement of other elements in a manner that offers viewers a clear and comprehensible visual experience.

With this, I conclude my exploration of the crest's significance. Until we reconvene in my next informative post, I bid you farewell.

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