Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This recent snapshot captures a moment in motion. As you've likely discerned, this isn't a static image; it was captured as the subject was in motion. These types of shots pose a challenge to capture effectively. To freeze the action, I employed a high-speed shutter and a wide aperture with an ISO setting of 100. The weather conditions were in my favor – a radiant sunny day provided ample light, granting me the flexibility to adjust my camera settings at will. Favorable lighting conditions serve as a boon for photographers seeking to achieve high-quality results.

As previously mentioned, the use of a high-speed shutter was instrumental in capturing the crispness of this photograph. Employing this technique was pivotal in attaining the desired outcome. Additionally, I harnessed a specialized effect to maintain focus on the primary subject. The Canon 7D boasts a feature known as "AI Servo" – a function tailored for tracking moving objects and rendering them distinctly clear in focus. Employing this option across multiple shots yielded satisfactory results, with most of them retaining sharp focus.

Notably, this image hasn't been subjected to any alterations through Photoshop. What you're viewing is the authentic image with its original colors, unadulterated by any post-processing. This serves as a testament to the significance of lighting in photography, highlighting how optimal illumination profoundly impacts the outcome of a photograph.

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